Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Take a Guess

Can you guess who this is?


Something McSomethingkins said...

You? Your sister? Your uncle's mother?

Roberta said...

IT'S ME!!! With my Uncle Fuzzy's cowboy hat.

Andrea Frazer said...

Ah, you are so cute! What were you looking for? Money? Attention? A maid? (Uh... the last part is what I am looking for.)

Something McSomethingkins said...

She didn't need money, her parents spoiled her rotten for the first year.

Something McSomethingkins said...

Hah! Your uncle's hat. That's close to his mother. I actually came closer to the mark with that than I'd thought.

Roberta said...

You're almost psychic. Or did I spell that wrong?! ;)