As far as birthdays go, I had a pretty good one. I took it easy in the morning and then was taken out to lunch by Mody. She took me to my fav place, Lofte's. We split an Italiano pizza, also my fav. And I wanted her to try that amazing pudding I had last week. Unfortunately, our head chef friend wasn't working yesterday. The waitress let me know that they had some pudding that he pre-made. But when we tried it, although it was good, it was nothing like I had had before. It was thin, not very rich, and had a new flavor in it than last time. Unfortunately, we didn't find out until we were done that the flavor was coffee. Not a really bad thing for most people. However, being pregnant and Mormon, it's kind of an unwelcome surprise. The waitresses apologized, but I wasn't terribly worried about it. I just now know that I shouldn't visit there unless my friend is working, cause he knows how to make the best versions of everything.
After lunch, I continued to take it easy and did some cross-stitching. I have been working on the same pattern on and off for a few years and I finally finished the body of it and started the outlining yesterday. I will post pics of it when I finish it. I had planned to keep it for myself and frame it, because I have not kept any of my finished works. I'm just not sure about where I would put it yet. Maybe I will put it in my planned office nook in our room. Between our bedroom door and our closet, there is a niche that would be perfect for shelves and a desk. So, I'm planning to make that my own little office area. Below is a doodle I did of it.
In the afternoon, I finally watched "Juno" (I love NetFlix) and really enjoyed it. Some parts made me laugh out loud and others made me cry. I helped Mister with his homework, worked on my cross stitch some more, and was pretty lazy. Last night, H and Tiny nondiscreetly slipped out the door for a while and came back about an hour later with a huge gift bag and pizza and breadsticks. In the bag, I received a plush robe that feels like those super soft baby blankets, the new George Strait CD "Troubador", and a ton of assorted candy. I was so excited because I had been hoping to get a robe like that before Matthew came along and I wouldn't forced to wander the hospital halls with my bum airing out from the back of my ill-fitting gown. I had also just found out about that CD and was wanting to get it. I will always love George. And candy, well you just can't go wrong with candy.
So, I hugged and kissed everyone, put on my comfy robe, opened my CD, and ate way too many chocolate-covered raisins while I stayed up until the wee hours cross-stitching. Yep, that was my idea of a birthday well-spent.
Aaawww, sounds like a sweet birthday. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wish I could have been down there to take you out to lunch with Mody. Darn hour and a half drive?!
That's ok. We have an even more fun-filled, action-packed day coming up. Love ya.
I'm so glad you had a good time! Yay for 28, and yay for you!
Thanks for showing me that place! After that coffee pudding I cleaned the entire house, went for a 10 mile jog, reorganized my cd collection, and finished a 1000 piece puzzle in 24 minutes. Is there anything you need me to do? huh? huh? huh?
:D Happy Birthday Birdy :D
Thanks, Mody. I'm still feeling a little violated...and gipped, cause I got no kind of energy kick. I guess all those Amps have upped my threshold.
Happy birthday! You look terrific. Can't wait to see the office. And about the coffee thing. You didn't know. No sweat.
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