Monday, January 07, 2008

Wanted: Prayers and Good Vibes

I need help. No, not the mental kind...well, not in this post anyway. No, I need the spiritual kind. I am stressing out over some things right now that I feel are really out of my control and I just don't know what to do. All the things that I can do are only small things and I need something like divine intervention to see me all the way through the rest. Don't is fine, we're fine. It's just a problem that doesn't seem to want to work it self out easily and it's draining my mind, energy and emotions. It's sapping me of the happiness that I should be immersed in right now. And I hate it for that. But I know that there is only so much I can do and the rest is up to God. Being patient was never one of my outstanding attributes. But I know and trust in Him that knows better than me what is in store. I'm just so tired, and stressed and worried. If you could kick a prayer my way or even some good thoughts and vibes, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Something McSomethingkins said...


Anonymous said...

Praying, babe!

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

My sweet Berta! Our prayers are on their way! Love you!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

will do honey!

smiles, bee