Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Pics to entertain the brain

Some habits are hard to shake, like staying up late even when I am no longer in school and cramming for a test or writing a last minute paper. I rarely get to bed before midnight. Tonight was Family Night at our local natural history museum. We browsed through the usual exhibits and watched a demonstration of physics. The kids really enjoyed the demonstrations, and I have to say that I did too. We then ate way too much pizza and headed home.
I mentioned previously my plans to paint the kids' rooms. Well, I thought I would let you see some of my progress. I am working on Tiny's room and the theme is Tinkerbell. Below is some before and in-progress pics.

This is the before pics with white walls, black window trim, and gray floor trim. Her bedding was the inspiration for the Tinkerbell room decor.

Yes, that is bright green and purple. Now picture a Tink border between the two colors, and assorted decor stickers around the room. I was pretty pleased with how the white trim came out. It shows off the detail of the trim really well, which I love in old houses. I should be finishing up her room in the next couple of days and will post the finished pics.

In other news, I was sent pics of my trip by my betrothed buddy. I really loved visiting her and really wish I could make it back east to attend her wedding. Never know, it just might happen.

Left, it's me and her. Someone actually thought we were sisters while we were hanging out. Don't we look like sisters?...besides the hair, eyes, and coloring...other than that... On the right, the view from her future in-law's house. Gorgeous. And you should have seen the red cliffs to the right of this.

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