Friday, June 01, 2007

On the road again...

I am here, I am well. I just came back from a little two day trip to the southern part of the state. I was there to visit a good friend that lives in a more eastern state of the US. She was down here to meet her future in-laws. I haven't seen her in about 3 years and I loved visiting with her. We stayed up late chatting and laughing and catching up. We have known each other for about 8 years. We met when our husbands (her now ex) both worked in the same shop in the military. The first time we met was when H and I went to their house for dinner when we were still dating. It took a little while before we actually started hanging out regularly, but after that, we were inseparable. H is very fond of her as well. She is a strong, smart, beautiful woman. After her first marriage ended, she continued going to school and taking care of her two kids. She then moved back east and started teaching, on top of school and taking care of the kids. She will finish her masters in education this spring, she bought a house, is teaching 7th and 8th grade resource kids (big handful), and her kids are doing well. And she has now met a really nice guy that just seems to adore well he should. I'm so happy for her.

So, I went down there Tuesday and came back yesterday. The fiancee's family was really nice and I had a lot of fun just hanging out and doing not much. I love that girl and hope she find her happiness with him. It was also nice to just get away for a bit too. Believe it or not, that was the first long distance drive I have ever taken alone. I mentioned this to H and he asked if I would prefer to have someone with me. I told him no, and that I just thought it was weird that I was 27 and had never really driven alone anywhere. I know, London counts as traveling alone, but I was on a plane, not driving. I love road trips, H hates driving. Hopefully, we'll have more opportunity to travel around. I suggested a summer trip through Idaho to see some of his fam, and then on to Portland, where he has been and loves and I have never been but want to see. He suggested we then go down to Cali to visit even more of his fam. Don't think I would mind. Just have to find the time and the means. Other trips on our minds are KY to IN to NY to ME. Who knows when that will happen though.

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