Friday, March 14, 2008



Ok, we're not having that many, but it's definitely a boy! He was not shy at all about letting us know that he was a boy. H and the kids went with me to the ultrasound and got to see some great video of the baby. The office has a big screen tv on the wall that shows everything and it sure beats the heck out of those mini-screen monitors that they used to use. We were given a lot of the pictures and even a dvd of it.
I could tell from the looks on the kids' faces that they thought it was pretty awesome. They smiled with each movement of the baby and the tech pointed out each body part. And the baby had just woken up when she started the ultrasound, so he was moving around a lot and we got a great look at him. The tech and the doctor said that everything looks perfect and healthy.

I remember when I had my ultrasound when I was pregnant with Mister, I didn't get to keep a picture. With Tiny, I got a couple of pictures. And, now, they do a lot of pics and a dvd. Aaaand, I didn't have to fill my bladder to uncomfortable levels either. I guess they don't require it anymore. I'm pretty grateful for that.

So, we will be welcoming Baby Matthew at the end of July. I had a strong hunch that it might be a boy because of a dream. When H and I were dating, I had a dream that we had Mister (he was about 2 yrs old when H and I met) and a baby girl. Well, less than a year later, we had Tiny. A few years ago, I had a dream that someone asked how many kids I had and I told them I had three, and I then told them the names of Mister, Tiny, and Matthew. A few days after I had this dream, H told me that Matthew is the name he had thought of if we were to have another boy. So, I guess that these dreams are really something to pay attention to. I'm just so glad that everything looks good.
So, without further ado, I would like to introduce you to Matthew.

A pretty cute profile.

His face. A little blurry.

His little foot.

Yep, it's a boy!


Mody said...

I'm so excited! The picture of the little foot is sooo darling! Welcome Matthew!!!

Something McSomethingkins said...

Wow, he's beautiful. Or handsome? You really can't tell at this point, but those are awesome pictures and he looks perfect. Matthew was the name of my brother's first baby; I kind of love it.

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

YEA!!!! I'm THRILLED that you're having a boy! I'm just SO EXCITED! I LOVE YOU!